Self Growth BooksReviews & Recommendations
Some are genuinely transformative and life-altering; some are bloody hyped-up gibberish. My aim here is simple: to write brief (less than 1000 words), engaging and accurate reviews for my favourite self growth books, to help you decide whether they would be a valuable addition to your collection. Full disclosure: If you do choose to purchase a book from Amazon after reading my review, I'll earn a few pennies as a commission. This helps me to continue building Personal Development Planet, so hopefully you're cool with that! As you'll see from the reviews, I'm not trying to sell anything that won't be right for you. Without any further ado, let's delve in to my favourite self growth and personal development books... Simply click on the appropriate link for my full review. Spirituality Books
The Celestine Prophecy - by James Redfield. Law of Attraction Books
The Cosmic Ordering Service - by Barbel Mohr. Go from Self Growth Books to Personal Development Planet Home