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Viva La Personal Development Revolution - FREE Newsletter, Issue #003 -- Motivation & Meditation!
July 22, 2009


Welcome to the July edition of Viva La Personal Development Revolution – the third and most definitely the best so far!

The theme of this newsletter is Motivation & Meditation. Don't worry if you're not very good at either - I reckon you will be by the time you finish reading. I've got a couple of articles for you, some free downloads, and a product or two that I use if you're in the mood for treating yourself.

Thanks as always for your support - you are all magnificent and awesome. So, without further ado, here's some new and exclusive articles for you - and a little bit more too...

July Newsletter - Contents

This is what you've got in this free newsletter:

1) How To Get Motivated in 8 Easy Steps. We all struggle with our levels of motivation. Some days we wake up, charged and absolutely ready to take on the day. Some days, however, we wake up and wish we had contracted swine flu so we don't have to move. Luckily, there are a few simple things you can do to feel more motivated naturally and go on to achieve your goals. Find out how in this brand new article.
Click here to read How To Get Motivated

2) Binaural Beats. If you've read my articles on meditation and visualisation, you'll know I'm always banging on about Binaural Beats - and how magnificent they are. If you've wondered what on earth I'm rambling on about, I've written this introductory article. Basically, they make you meditate like a Zen Monk in about 5 minutes with absolutely no skill needed. They are, to me, an absolute lifesaver. Read about them - if you're sold on the concept, there are links at the bottom to the best value beats you can get on the internet. Enjoy!
Click here to read Binaural Beats

3) Swagger of the Month Now, for the most inspiring story you're likely to come across in a long while. Meet Latisha Bell - a lovely American lady who transformed her life after having major surgery - thanks to personal development. Latisha has used the very same ideas that you read about to take charge of her life. This really is a truly inspiring tale of overcoming adversity. Find out more about the amazing things she has achieved now.
Click here to read Swagger of the Month

4) Free Meditation MP3! Ah, don't say I don't treat you good! Here is a link to get a FREE meditation MP3, which is super-charged with binaural beats (see article above). This will get you into a deep, meditative state in no time at all. This is great in place of a power nap - just plug in, and feel amazing! If you like this, the beats you can buy from this store are awesome. They start at just $10 and have the potential to transform your life. Please note that I will get a small commission if you choose to buy them - so rest assured they kick arse. I use them myself every night too.
Click here to get your FREE meditation MP3

5) Top 10 Countries who visited Personal Development Planet in July... Woohoo! I'm infiltrating some of the rogue-est states across the globe! Here is a list of the top ten countries who are getting their swagger back - and the award for rogue state of the month.

1) US
2) UK
3) US Military
4) Australia
5) South Africa
6) Germany
7) Poland
8) New Zealand
9) Croatia
10) India

Rogue State of the Month: US Military. Hmmm! What to make of this! Either the yanks are bored of sitting in the desert and shooting people (preferred), or they're on to my plans for global revolution and plan to stop me....!!! Just joking - it's great to have you on board boys and girls, drop me a note if you get a minute - would love to share your story next month in Swagger of the Month.

6) What's New? Oops - I nearly forgot. I finally got round to writing my "about me" page - let me know what you reckon. Additionally, I have started adding pictures to my articles to make them a bit more visual! I hope you like...
Click here to read About Carl

Well, that’s it from me for now... Thank you again for reading. I really hope you find the info useful. I'd love to hear your feedback, so if you have 30 seconds to drop me an email, please do. Equally, if something isn't clear and you want some advice on your own personal development, I'd be happy to help out.

I answer all notes personally within 24 hours, so if you want to get in touch Click Here to Email Me.

Thanks again - and be excellent to each other. Boom!

Viva La Personal Development Revolution.

Founder of Personal Development Planet

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