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Thought Vibrations - Viva La Personal Development Revolution - FREE Newsletter, Issue #005 October 26, 2009 |
![]() , Hola and welcome to the October edition of Viva La Personal Development Revolution - quite definitely the best one yet :-) A couple of quick questions: how many times did you lose your temper today? How many times did you wish for something different to your current circumstances? If you're like most people, you probably did this at least a couple of times. Conversely, if you're particularly angry, you probably spent most of your day moaning about your life as it is at the moment. If so, panic not! In this newsletter, you'll find out what role acceptance can play in your life, and realise that just by learning to accept what comes into your life, you can massively transform your levels of happiness. Also, we'll be venturing down some new-age / hippy paths and seeing what all the fuss is about thought vibrations, and find out what you can do to send out good vibes all day long. What started out as a tongue-in-cheek article turned into quite a serious discussion, as I realised the concept isn't quite as crazy as I first thought. You'll find out how to "raise your vibration" in this newsletter too. There's also some exciting news about a Personal Development Planet book (free for you), and a blog that I will shortly be launching. As always, you can take a look at my 30 second book review and see which book has affected me the most this month. Funnily enough, it's by a famous rapper! Now that I've got your attention - Make sure you click on display pictures if you can't see any!
Thanks again for all of your brilliant support. Please send me a quick reply with your thoughts and feedback if you get a second - it means more to me than you'd imagine! Without further ado, enjoy!! Carl October Newsletter - Contents
This is what you've got in this free newsletter:
![]() Funnily enough, I realised that the concept behind thought vibrations is solid enough - for when we think certain thoughts, we tend to feel a certain way, and attract certain circumstances. When you learn to change your thoughts, you can begin to attract some seriously good stuff into your life!This article will give you step-by-step guidance on how to raise your level of thought vibration. In layman's terms, this means I will show you how to feel better, think nicer and more productive thoughts, and just feel a bit more content on a daily basis!
As an extension of that, we are far too quick to react to perceived negative circumstances in our life by getting angry or frustrated. Learning about acceptance, and understanding how to practice acceptance on a day to day basis by saying "yes" to whatever happens, is a fundamental part of developing an inner sense of peace or fulfilment. If you've ever wondered if there is an easier way to live, or pondered that the world is turning into a crazy place, this article should be spot on for you. This new book - by the rapper 50 Cent, no less - is the best new book I have read this month. ![]() It's actually written by a guy called Rovert Greene (who I haven't come across before), and intersperses advice with the story of 50's life selling crack and then becoming a big star. I've been a big fan of 50, and if you are you'll probably get a lot from this book. It will motivate you and get you acting, quickly! It's quite interesting and has some unique takes on the world, and is packaged brilliantly - it's like a bible, with gold-embossed pages. Very posh! Saying that, if you're not a big fan of 50, you can probably find better books. Email me for recommendations if you like. Buy if: you like 50, are an alpha male, you want to get to the top, you want power, and you want a direct, hard-hitting book. Avoid if: you want to be happy and fulfilled and not just focus on wealth and power!
Click here to buy The 50th Law from Amazon Ooh... it's exciting times at the moment! Basically, I have finished "phase one" of my master plan - which was to get around 60 introductory personal development articles listed on my site. Next up is a bit of a switch, so please look out for it! First, I'm currently writing a book - provisionally titled "How to Get Your Swagger Back". It's a ten day personal development plan, and shows you step-by-step how to work out what you want, visualise it, get confident, overcome fears and limiting beliefs... and much more! I'm about half-way through... and the best news is ALL MY SUBSCRIBERS WILL GET A FREE COPY!! I'm working so hard on this and I genuinely think you will love it. When the book is finished, I shall launch Personal Development Planet's blog. Basically, this will be similar to my existing articles, but will focus more on the day-to-day application of personal development to your life. It will have a lot more personal examples from me, and be much more focussed too. I think you'll like it and find it very useful. So, keep subscribed and keep an eye out... for good things are happening!!
4) Meditate and Visualise Tonight! Here's a link to my article on Binaural Beats - if you haven't got any yet, do treat yourself (prices start at $10). Basically, you put them on your ipod, and when you listen to them your brain frequency is lowered and lowered until your brain is asleep, and you are wide awake! This is how Zen Masters meditate, and you can do it tonight without spending ten years sitting in a cave! I use these myself every day and can't recommend them enough. They really are the world's best kept secret! Feedback? Questions? Advice? Criticism? Thoughts? Carl, |
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